Sunday, January 09, 2005

New Year's Resolution

This isn't exactly timely, but I just came across it. I had wanted to make a new year's resolution, but I couldn't think of anything good. And today, I find the answer to my problem: The random new years resolution generator. Here's mine. What's yours?

In the year 2005 I resolve to:

Never use chapstick.

Get your resolution here

Try this at home

Here's an exercise I've seen floating about various blogs lately (I've seen it attributed to here, but who knows). It's supposed to give some insight into your personality.

Go to the address bar in your browser, type in the letter 'a', and see what the autocomplete function turns up. Repeat for each letter. Here are my results:

A: Apple, also ATrpms (a linux download site)
B: Blockbuster Online, and BugMeNot (a site for bypassing subscriptions to otherwise free content)
C: my blog, also CNN and Cinemark
D: a couple linux-related download sites, also the Dallas Morning News
E: (I ordered a couple magazine subscriptions as christmas gifts), also (for my oh-so-busy social life)
F: Froogle (google's online shopping site), also FedEx (for tracking inbound christmas presents)
G: a couple yahoo groups of which I'm a member, also some linux mailing list archives, google (surprised it wasn't first), and GoldenPalace (not sure how that got there.)
H: h was amazingly weak. a link to a 'weird news' story that I must've followed from somewhere else, a link to someone's house for sale, and (presumably from my less than successful quest to find a costume last year)
I: the Internet Movie Database (one of my fav sites), but also a bunch of ivtv sites (a linux tv project), and
J: another weak letter in my chain. The *only* thing that came up was from an ad in the newsgroup
K: website for the Kidd Kraddick in the Morning radio show and the official linux kernel website
L: a bunch of linux sites, also liz's blog
M: (naturally), also the Miami Herald, some articles from, a mythtv (a linux tv project), and this (must've been from dave barry's blog. honest!)
N: news, news, and news ... from bbc, NY Times, and newsday
O: had absolutely nothing ... maybe if I were an Oprah fan
P: various people's yahoo photos pages, but also this, and more linux mailing list sites (but really, I'm feeling geeky enough by now)
Q: nothing for q, but that's no big suprise. it's the unloved letter
R: roger ebert's website, radio shack
S: my favorite comic strip, Sherman's Lagoon
T: not much of interest here (more linux sites), so I'll post this
U: USA Today, and a surprising number of articles about urinals (again, I blame dave barry's blog)
W:, also, and Dave Barry's blog
X: empty
Y: a bunch of yahoo sites
Z: (online discount retailer)