Friday, August 19, 2005

Friday Feast 8/19

Do you get excited when the season begins to change? Which season do you most look forward to?
- - - I wouldn’t say I necessarily get excited when the seasons begin to change, but I most look forward to spring. Which is probably carryover from growing up in ND. After the long winters there, it is wonderful to see the snow begin to melt and warmer weather become more and more frequent. I also love rain, especially the nice, light, steady rain we tend to see more of in the spring as opposed to thunderstorms. (Although I like them too).

What day of the week is usually your busiest?
- - - Weekends in general tend to be the busiest for me. We seem to pack a lot of fun into those days. There is always something going on and I'm usually beginning to plan on Mondays!

Would you consider yourself to be strict when it comes to grammar and spelling? What's an example of the worst error you've seen?
- - - Yes, I would say I’m fairly picky about spelling and grammar. Or at least I try to be, although I would certainly not profess to be perfect and I definitely do not have the best vocabulary. Worst error… hmmm… I think it may be ironic based on last Friday’s question… but how about “good vs. well”? That one always stands out to me, as do other adjective vs. adverb errors.

Main Course
Who has a birthday coming up, and what will you give them as a gift?
- - - The two most important guys in my life both have birthdays coming up. My dad’s birthday is September 2nd and Gary’s birthday is September 5th. Of course, I can’t say what I am getting them as gifts because they will probably read this. Sorry fellas – no hints. :-)

If you could have any new piece of clothing for free, what would you pick?
- - - Gary would probably expect me to answer this question with shoes of some sort, but I don’t think there are any that would be at the top of my list. Maybe… just maybe… that’s because I already have everything I need in that department. Since I’m thinking of something I’d like for *free*, it would have to be something expensive. So, perhaps a special occasion type of dress.

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